Science 23/24 Adoption (Current Year)
LabAids Information (also available in the District Office)
Self-register at to create your trial account using the following access code:
You will be able to access the Lab-Aids Student and Teacher Portal with the following
Access Code: NGSS-SEPUP-Sample
These Access Codes will give you access to the following program(s):
Middle School (3rd) Edition
A Natural Approach to Chemistry (2nd Edition)
Science and Global Issues: Biology (3rd Edition)
Here is a video on how to self-register using the provided access code:
Once registered, you can continue to access your new Teacher Portal from our login page via the “Portal Login” link:
Once you have created your trial account with the Access Code: NGSS-SEPUP-Sample you will be able to add Access Code: NAC-Sample to see the Chemistry curriculum. You will also be able to add Access Code: SGI3-Sample to see the Biology curriculum.
Teacher view:
PW: Oregonteacher
Student view:
PW: Oregonstudent
Posted: 2.5.2024 CS
The Rogue River School District wishes to announce that the Board of Directors will be considering State Adopted Science curriculum for grades 6-12. Any district constituent who wishes to review the curriculum and support materials may do so at the Rogue River School District Administration Office Monday-Friday February 12th - 23rd from 8:00 AM – 3:00 PM. You may also view this curriculum digitally at /Page/5270.
The Board of Directors may consider the 6-12 Science curriculum for adoption at their Regular Board meeting on March 19, 2024 at 6:00 PM in the Rogue River School District Administration Office Conference Room. Any patron is welcome to attend this meeting.
If you have any questions, please contact Dr. April Harrison, Director of Curriculum, at 541-582-6003.
Posted: 1.31.2024 CS