Emerging Multilingual / English Learner Program
English Language Learners
ORS 336.079 defines “English language learner” to mean a student who (a) has limited English language proficiency because English is not the native language of the student or the student comes from an environment where a language other than English has had a significant impact on the student’s level of English language proficiency; and (b) Meets any other criteria established by the State Board of Education by rule.
The Rogue River School District is a member in the Title III Consortium led by the Southern Oregon Education Service District. The Consortium Lead acts as fiscal agent for Title III funds generated by ELL Students attending the district. These funds must be used to implement the Title III supplemental ELD program plan.
For more information, please contact:
Michele Cleveland - Director of Special Programs
Phone: (541) 582-6003
Phone: (541) 582-6003
TBD - EL Coordinator -